Sunday, October 12, 2014

Faithful Families Resources October 12 2014

The family should be a closely knit group. The home should be a self-contained shelter of security; a kind of school where life’s basic lessons are taught; and a kind of church where God is honoured; a place where wholesome recreation and simple pleasures are enjoyed.

~ Billy Graham, “My Answer,”

Family Closeness
Feely Bag
Get two bags or two old socks. Place identical items in each of the two bags or socks. Some suggested items to use are: bottle caps, cotton balls, small sponge pieces, keys, large buttons, etc. Show your children the two bags and match each set of two items one to one. In this way, the child will see and understand that there are two identical items of each kind. Refill the two bags or socks and give one of the bags containing identical objects to the child. Take one of the objects out of the bag and show it to the child. Tell the child to feel in his bag for an object that is just like the one that you took out of your bag. Remind the child to "feel" not look.

  • When do you feel closest to your family?
  • When do you feel God’s presence with you the most?
  • What is your favourite place to be by yourself?

With your family read: Matthew 22.15-22
(for a way of explaining/talking about this reading with children look at

Questions for Discussion:
[The Pharisees thought they could trick Jesus with this question about taxes. If Jesus said, ‘no don’t pay tax’, then he would be in trouble with the Romans, but if he said, ‘yes, pay tax’ then the people would think he approved of Rome. His answer here suggests we need to honour the Government and honour God.]
  • What things should we do to be a good citizen?
  • What things should we do to be faithful to God?
  • Do you think the two ever come into conflict?
  • If being a good citizen conflicted with being a faithful disciple what would you choose to do?

Prayer and Celebration
Praying ACTS
Often children get into the habit of always praying thank you prayers or always praying asking prayers. One way to help them broaden their idea of prayer is to teach them this simple way of remembering some different types of prayer.
A – adoration : Prayers telling God how wonderful He is.
C – confession : Prayers saying sorry for the wrong we have done.
T – thanksgiving : Prayers thanking God for all He has done.
S – supplication: Prayers asking God for the things we and others need.

On different days of the week you might like to get your family to talk about and pray each of the different types of prayers. Alternatively you could write the four letters on pieces of paper and pick them out of a hat to determine which one you will use. When it come to confession prayers help your children think not just about their own personal sin but the things we as a people have failed to do – like care for the environment or the needy.

Bonus Family Activity
Photograph Night
Get a new roll of film and take your family on an adventure. Make a list of photos they must take at particular places and go out and get them. Eg. photo with a policeman, a funny photo, a photo with at east two animals.

(This material is based on and draws from earlier Faithful Families emails by Stephen Harrison and Richard Browning: An Unless Ideas Production.) Unless otherwise noted all material on this blog is copyright Stephen Harrison and Richard Browning

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